General Information

Monday, 10 November - Tuesday, 11 November 2025
The official language of the Conference is English
Congress Kit and Name Badge
Upon arrival you will receive your name badge. Please wear your name badge at all times during the Conference and to all official Conference events.
Participants from certain countries may require a visa in order to travel to Switzerland.
Participants are requested to check with their local Swiss Consulate/Embassy well in advance of their travel date. It is the responsibility of the participant to obtain a visa as necessary.
Invitation Letters

An official invitation letter designed to assist with obtaining an entry visa can be obtained upon request. Please email and include; your Full Name (as in passport), Nationality, Passport number, Date of Birth and Address.

Please note that such letters do not represent a commitment on the part of the Congress Organizer to provide any financial assistance.


Liability & Insurance
The Conference Organizers cannot accept any liability for personal accidents or loss of/ damage to private property of participants of aiHealth2025
Dress Code
Dress code is informal for all occasions.
Congress Secretariat

Tel UK:  +44-203-051-4032 ext. 521
Tel US:  +1-857-400-0035 ext. 521

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